A Fun-Filled Night
We celebrated our annual fundraiser where we recognized our supporters and recipients.
Our 2019 Gala was a beautiful evening to remember. Thanks to all of our organizers that helped make our biggest fundraiser happen.
We especially thank Gordon Hartman for allowing us the use of the Morgan’s Wonderland facility and for being the M.C. for the event.

The Prosthetic Foundation extends a special Thank You to our major supporters.
We are excited to share a list of our major supporters and encourage you to utilize their services.
Brett Rowe
Dr. Boulos Toursarkissian
Dr. Edward Wolf
Dr. Gerardo Ortega
Dr. Jesus Matos
Dr. Mark Wengrovitz
Dr. Robert Thompson
Dr. Thomas Beadle
Peter & Clair Wickersham
Superior Healthplan
Dr. Alfred Laborde
Dr. David Mozersky
Dr. Frank Kuwamura
Dr. Grady Alsabrook
Dr. Lois Fiala
Dr. Michael Peck
Dr. Seth Fritcher
Dr. William English
Dr. Tim Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Tamez
Dr. Demetrios Macris
Dr. Gabriel Bietz
Dr. Jeffrey M. Martinez
Dr. Lyssa Ochoa
Dr. P. Allen Hartsell
Dr. Syed Rizvi
Dr. William Kirk
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