The 2020 Virtual Gala
December 4, 2020 7pm
Will you help amputees re-integrate back into the workforce and community?

Become a Partner Today to support Texans with Limb Loss
Addressing Amputee Challenges
We need your continued support by participating in our 2020 Texas 2 Step Virtual Gala!
Did you know that one in 10 amputees are un able to obtain a prosthesis due to financial difficulty? We see extraordinary people willing to overcome these obstacles and return to a productive and fulfilling life. At The Prosthetic Foundation, we are passionate about what we do and about our vision to restore life, hope, and independence through the ability to walk again!
Insurance Costs. Too many in our amputee community have to depend on Medicaid coverage which, in Texas, does not cover prosthetics for adults. Or even those fortunate enough to have private insurance all too often have very co-insurance costs, high deductibles, limited coverage and/or spending caps in their policies. These factors make it almost impossible to obtain a prosthesis and many are relegated to a life of isolation and diminished opportunities by being confined to a wheelchair. Even worse, they are highly susceptible to further health decline associated with limited mobility.
A Special Thank You to Our 2020 Business Partner Sponsors!

Thank you to our Generous Individual Donors
Sean McKenna
Dr. William English
Jesus Matos
We also continue to need your donations while we serve amputees.