The American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) recommendation for physical activity was initially every 90 minutes for a sedentary person to control blood glucose levels – however October 25, 2016 the ADA put out a press release stating changes to those recommendations. Studies have shown that 3 minutes of activity every 30 minutes is actually more beneficial not only for those with Type 1 but also Type 2, gestational diabetics and those who have pre-diabetes.
NEW GUIDELINES for physical activity from American Diabetes Association:
Sedentary behavior—awake time that involves prolonged sitting, such as sitting at a desk on the computer, sitting in a meeting or watching TV—has a negative effect on preventing or managing health problems, including diabetes. Studies have shown improved blood sugar management when prolonged sitting is interrupted every 30 minutes—with three minutes or more of standing or light-intensity activities, such as:
leg lifts or extensions;
overhead arm stretches;
desk chair swivels;
torso twists;
side lunges;

and walking in place.
Physical movement improves blood sugar management in people who have sedentary jobs and in people who are overweight, obese and who have difficulty maintaining blood sugars in a healthy range.
Of course this doesn’t change exercise in general. These recommendations are in addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise – whatever that might mean for you. Strength, resistance training and cardiovascular exercise are all still the best way to not only manage your weight but blood glucose levels.
“The statement clarifies that recommendations and precautions for physical activity and exercise will vary based on a patient’s type of diabetes, age, overall health and the presence of diabetes-related complications. Additionally, specific guidelines are outlined for monitoring blood sugar levels during activity. The statement also suggests positive behavior-change strategies that clinicians can utilize to promote physical activity programs with patients and indicates that supervised, structured exercise programs are more beneficial for people with diabetes.” (PRNewswire)
For more information on this new guideline you can read the American Diabetes Association\’s full press release here: