I lost both my legs below the knees to a devastating disease at the age of 29. The Drs said that I would not live, and then they said I would never walk again. I never accepted that as fact and today, not only do I walk independently, but I also frequent the gym, and I am in the process of getting running legs. Having prosthetic legs has changed everything in my life. I drive without adaptive assistance, I work, I have a great social life, and I frequently stand on podiums and give speeches about the vaccine preventable disease I contracted: Bacterial Meningitis. I wear my prosthetics with pride and I am constantly stopped by people who tell me that I am a great inspiration to them. My struggles have been significant over the years, but I am grateful for every day that I can wake up and put on my prosthetic legs. Being able to walk as I did before my illness means everything to me. More than words can even express.
– AM, Austin, Texas