I just wanted you to know that what you do is such a great thing and I can’t put into words what this means to me! I wish you could have that feeling I had when I put that leg on last week for a fitting and stood on my own without having to balance or hold on to something! Initially, when I had a conversation with my daughter, she was crying saying that she doesn’t know how to act around me because she always thought of me as her hero and nothing could hurt me!! (I’m a big guy and was a bouncer in several clubs for a few years while I ran a DJ service) Now I am able to walk up and open her door and hug her again, so I hope you know what you did for me is life changing. I hope the next time you meet someone and they ask you where you work you feel super proud when you tell them the answer and if they don’t give you credit for what you do, just introduce them to me and I’ll make them feel it!!!! Thank you again I hope to meet you one day.
– Charlie K.