The Foundation
The Prosthetic Foundation was established in 2010 as a 501 C (3) nonprofit organization to help uninsured and under insured amputees throughout Texas. The Prosthetic Foundation is committed to ensuring that amputees not only receive a prosthesis but also receive the follow-up care that is essential in the successful outcome of regaining mobility and independence. The loss of a limb can create a severe challenge and prevent an amputee from being able to perform the activities of daily living that many of us take for granted. The physical and psychological independence that a prosthesis can provide not only affects the amputee but can make a world of difference for their family and everyone around them. Having a prosthesis is also important in preventing additional health complications that arise from being sedentary in a wheelchair.

From Our Founder
Supporters of The Prosthetic Foundation,
Many years ago, I personally felt a tug at my heart when I realized that my patients were unable to continue their potential due to the inaccessibility of a prosthetic device. I, with the help of many others including friends and colleagues, came together to lead and operate The Prosthetic Foundation, a …
Our Mission
To provide support and access for uninsured or under-insured amputees to obtain quality prosthetics with comprehensive aftercare, and to generate public awareness for these individuals.
Our Vision
Restoring life, hope and independence through the ability to walk again.
The Need
Loss of limb creates a severe handicap. For many amputees a prosthesis restores full mobility and resumption of normal life activities. In Texas, there are many people who remain handicapped because they cannot afford a prosthesis. Many people are uninsured or unable to pay their co-pay or deductible. Medicaid does not automatically pay for prosthetic limbs. Prolonged wheelchair confinement dramatically increases respiratory and wound complications, risk of pulmonary embolus, and postoperative pain. Diabetes greatly increases the risk of limb loss. San Antonio has twice as many diabetics as any other city in America. The Prosthetic Foundation, exists to help amputees throughout Texas in need of financial assistance.
Did you know?
- More than 500 Americans lose a limb every day.
- 1 in 10 amputees are unable to obtain a prosthesis due to financial difficulty.
- In 2021, 2.5 million Texas Residents had diabetes, over 11.5% of the state population.
- Approximately 80% of non-traumatic lower limb amputations happen due to diabetes complications.
It is estimated that 1 in 10 amputees are unable to obtain a prosthesis due to financial difficulty, and in Texas, Medicaid does not cover prosthetics for adults. Depending on the level of function the amputee needs to regain, the cost of the prosthetic components can be high. Upper extremity prosthetic costs vary greatly depending on the level of amputation and function required.
View Martin’s Story
Hear about the challenges of a roofer trying to make a living after an accident that required his left leg to be amputated.

Your Support
Your support of The Prosthetic Foundation is the first step in the journey of an amputee to take back their independence. Please be a hero to the amputees of Texas as they regain their quality of life!